Loots. Earrings. Lipsmackers. Linkages. T&cs. Enquire and adver. Egyptian Magic Cream. Blacklisted. Korean Ripped shorts. Iphone accessories.

Loots. Earrings. Lipsmackers. Linkages. T&cs. Enquire and adver. Egyptian Magic Cream. Blacklisted. Korean Ripped shorts. Iphone accessories.
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Cheesenachosz is owned by X.
16 and schooling.
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terms and conditions ►Terms&Conditions. General Conditions x We do not entertain trades. x We do not do reservations. x Please do not ask us 29 billion questions and say you will pass. (You will be blacklisted if you do so.) x No negotiations. (Dont bother trying. I wont give in. ) x Failure to reply my mails without 24h will result in you being blacklisted. x Ordering x We operate on a first-pay-first-serve basis. x To order, simply leave us a email or leave a tag at the enquiry board. x An email received without a title will be deemed as confirmed. x To enquire, state email title as 'Enquiry'. x A tag at the enquiry board without an email would not be entertained. x Do not make payment unless an invoice is sent to you. Payment x We only accept I banking/ ATM transfers. (No meet ups. ) x Payment to be in within 24h after invoice is sent to you. Failure to do so would also result to you being blacklisted. ( Ask for more time if needed. Max 36h.) x All ATM transfers have to be accompanied with a clear snapshot of the receipt. x Payment details would be provided in the invoice. (How much to pay for Normal/Registered postage.) x Kindly give us up to 24 hours to verify payment. Delivery x Items would be mailed out ASAP after payment is verified. x We would not be responsible for lost of normal postage. (Return addresses would be stated. ) x Registered postage highly encouraged. 9:04 AM